Photo-A-Day #4258
I picked up Andrew after school today and we headed over to my parents house. He now enjoys climbing ladders as you can see. I also had no fear at 5 years old. But back to the reason I was at my parent’s house in the first place. I was going there to help out with their new Comcast X1 Xfinity boxes and router and more. I set up a couple of their TVs and also the Router. The downstairs TV took some doing because it was just old enough that it doesn’t have a dedicated HDMI plug. It did have a DVI plug and so yesterday I went and got a DVI to HDMI adapter and thought I was all set but was wrong. The DVI to HDMI plug only does video and not audio. Getting Audio and video was through some old AV plugs and the picture was not good. So I saw the optical audio plugs and thought that a wire for that would work. Unfortunately, both the DVR and TV had outputs. Eventually I got HD video and sound by playing around with the plugs and trial and error. That is usually how I fix things.
Tonight I went to my buddy Brian’s house to record SteamDads. We tried an experiment and it did not work. So we did a couple of other things instead. They ended up working out pretty cool but our video is going to be an interesting one and we are staying away from chemicals for a while.
I made today’s video late at night before bed. I’ve got a ton of toy reviews to finish up before Christmas. I’m just getting many thing sent to me, which is not a bad thing. However, I’ve gotten a bit behind. All the toys in the video will need reviews by the end of next week. That way people have enough time to go and buy the ones that they like the most.
I’m also doing a giveaway of the Gremlins Team Pack. Here is how to enter.
***Gremlins Team Pack Giveaway Info: ***
1. Go to the video. – Click it below to watch on YouTube.
2.Subscribe to my Channel.
3.Leave me a comment on this video telling me what Lego Dimensions set you want for Christmas and I will choose one winner. I’ll choose a winner 12/15/16
***Open only to US Residents.***
*** This will NOT arrive before Christmas ***