Eva Reviews It! – My Fairy Garden from PlayMonster

Eva Reviews It! - My Fairy Garden from PlayMonster
Photo-A-Day #4280

We received a My Fairy Garden™ Freya’s Magical Cottage™ for free from PlayMonster to play with and review. Opinions are our own.

Eva took the lead on this review. I selected this product with her in mind. She has always wanted to set up a fairy garden outside and we just don’t do much gardening. This seemed like a great product to use indoors so that she could tend her own little fairy garden. I love that she still has that spirit of curiosity and wonder at things like fairies.

The toy itself is pretty sold in its design. You get everything you need to tend the garden plus a few cute little items to play with like a table and chairs so that there can be tea parties in the fairy garden. I like that there is a small wire that the fairy can be attached to to make it look like she is flying around the garden. It certainly adds to the whimsy of the toy.

When we moved into our house and Eva was just about 5 years old we found a fairy statue out on the side of the house with a broken wing. She made it her fairy that tended to the gardens on the side yard. So, she has always loved fairies and believed that they were in gardens. So glad that she still has some of this left in her heart. Eva can tell you more about the toy in her own words in the video below.

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