Photo-A-Day #4388
Today we drove to New Hampshire. We have a Kia Sorento to drive for the week. DriveShop and Kia provided us with the car and opinions are our own. We’re staying at a timeshare for a few days and are going to explore the area. There are some really beautiful places to see.
On our way up we stopped at Double Midnight Comics. That is a comic book shop that is owned by a couple of friends from college. The kids loved the store and enjoyed getting a few things. Eva got a DC Superhero Girls book and Andrew a Trolls comic. I got a copy of Transformers #78 from the original Marvel run. I’m still missing some of them but am closer to completing the whole run.
We continued on to Lincoln, NH and there we had lunch at a Mexican place called El Charro. There were some excellent dishes there. We got stuffed silly.
It was still a bit early to go to our timeshare so we drove around a bit and saw more of the town and the surrounding scenery. We went up to the Flume and then further up to Franconia Notch, we turned back close to Cannon Mountain. We still had some time but went to Pollard Brook early and our room was ready. The kids were so thrilled to see it. They loved that there was a room for them and also a Jacuzzi tub in our room. What they wanted most of all was to go to the pool so we got changed and hit the pool for an hour. We got back tot eh room and from there I went to get some things at the supermarket. I also picked up a pizza and salad for dinner and we had a nice meal. After dinner the kids played with some LEGO sets that they had gotten for Easter while I tried to get Google Chromecast to work. This is certainly not an exact science at this point. I’m not sure if it has something to do with the network of the timeshare or what but one phone didn’t work for it and the other did. I’m going to have to play with it some more because I brought it so that we can do some movie watching at night. Allison and I watched Doctor Strange but the sound was all kaflooey that it made it not as enjoyable.