Snow Day Fun Day

Snow Day Fun Day
Photo-A-Day #4717

Oh those snowfalls close to Spring. Today was a snow day once again. The snow just kept on falling and falling. I went out and snowblowed the driveways and sidewalks 3 times. We lost power and I hauled out the neighbor’s generator on my third snowblowing attempt. It took me long enough to haul it out, set it up, run cords to my garage and start up the snowblower for the power to be restored. On my third time out I also ran the snowblower across the street to help out my other neighbor, Tim. He was digging out the whole apartment. That’s the kind of guy he is. So, I lent a hand for a while. But, by the third time out I was compeltely spent, soaked and tired beyond anything.

In between the snowblowing sessions we watched Guardians of the Galaxy, which Eva loved! She was giggling like crazy through much of it. Next chance we get then we are doing Volume 2. I also worked with the kids to build The Milano LEGO set from the first movie. It is in my stack of Marvel LEGO sets that I have yet to open. We actually build two sets today, a Spider-Man set and this Guardians set. It was fun to build these with the kids. It was a nice snow day.

The Sleepover

The Sleepover
Photo-A-Day #4716

Since we already knew that tomorrow would be a snow day we said yes to Andrew’s request to sleep on Eva’s floor. The kid has wanted to be able to have a sleepover for such a long time. He’s seen Eva have them and has wanted to be able to go on them, too. He’s still too young for it, but he can certainly sleep a night on Eva’s floor. He was over the moon about that.They didn’t even stay up all night, so that was good, too.

I’m glad that the kids did this, and Eva let Andrew stay with her. She’s starting to want more time to herself and at the same time he just wants to be with her and do everything he can to spend time with her. I hope that she lets him in but I think she’s just naturally going to pull away for a while. Let’s hope that they have the foundation to always be able to help each other and have fun.