Looking for a Patriots Win and Marvel Commercials

Super Bowl Dinner
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00034

That is about it for us when we watch the Big Game. It is all about food that is bad for you but tastes awesome, movie trailers and a win for our team, the Patriots. I was not able to stay home to watch the game with everyone this year. But I was able to have dinner and watch The Kitten-Bowl before I headed to work. Once I got there I was able to pull up the game on CBS Sports.com and stream the game. That meant that I could watch the commercials. I was able to see the oens for Captain MArvel and Avengers 4: Endgame. Both were good but Avengers really hit hard. Great teaser.

The game itself has been interesting but very low scoring. It is at 2 minutes as I finish this post. Will they win before I post? Will they lose. Who knows.

They did win before I posted. I got a work call right before they actually won! Always the way.

Looking Forward To The LEGO Movie 2 on Tuesday!!

LEGO Movie 2
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00033

We are so excited to get out to see The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part. I am also excited for the new LEGO Movie 2 toy sets. I’ve been able to build a couple with Brian on Built from Bricks. We recently did a big episode where we gave away some Zak Designs Water Bottles. It was our most popular livestream ever! While we talked about the water bottles and the movie sneak peek we built the Thricycle which is another ridiculous invention of Emmet’s. It was an exciting show and I look forward to our next one. You can check out the video below.