Finding Trolls in Rhode Island…

with Greta the Troll
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01997

Today we took a family trip down to Ninigret Park State Park in Charlestown, Rhode Island. We went there because artist Thomas Dambo created two new Trolls to display there. Thomas takes recycled wood and other materials to create his trolls. These are very large art installations and they are always very fun and interesting to see. We saw some a few years ago at Bernheim Forest and Arboretum in Kentucky when we visited Tara. There were several trolls there spread out throughout the park. There are only the two in Charlestown and they are fairly close together.

with Eric the Troll

The trolls are Greta and Eric. We visited Great first and then off to Eric. It was a nice easy walk to get to each one. We were scouting the location for a potential future visit with Allison’s parents.

After our walk we had lunch at Monahan’s Clam Shack & Restaurant. It was an okay place with some cornhole sets and picnic tables. The clamcakes and chowder were great and Allison loved her clam roll, which was probably because I ate the one clam that was filled with all the sand and clam shells in Rhode Island. That was not fun. But every other clam was perfect according to Allison. Glad I could help.

Eva’s Newest Wig…

Eva's New Wig
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01996

Eva has been working on a new cosplay and with it a whole new wig. This one she has been styling for a few days now and tonight she came in to show me so I had to get a great photo of her hard work.

Today was our last stripe tests for a while. We’re taking two months off from Krav for the Summer and we both had pretty hard stripe tests today. The drills were intense. Eva did a great job and I moved up to a green stripe on my belt. I also am having my 5 year strip put onto my belt while I am away.

Today I learned that my black belt partner, Pastor Dave, is no longer going to be training. I am going to miss him but I think that Knee Replacement Dave is going to miss him more. KRD just got his black belt and has been looking forward to training with us on the black belt side of things. Now he has to wait for 2 months for me to return.