21 Stripes

21 Stripes
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01619

In our dojo we earn stripes with monthly progress checks. When you are starting out in Krav Maga and also kids karate your early belts require 3 stripes to advance. So, if you are doing well you will have a belt with 3 stripes on it and then would advance to a new belt. This happened from White to Green belts. When you get to Brown belt you need 6 stripes to advance to the next belt. A longer time to learn new techniques and to earn that new belt. When I attempted to go for my Black Belt in November of 2021 I had my six stripes on my red/black belt. I was not ready at that time and did not advance past the pre-test. I kept at it for another year and a half before going to test again. I had 2 opportunities after my initial test and before tomorrow’s final test to make another attempt at my black belt. The first time I was eligible was the next class in the Spring. I honestly had my confidence really shaken and it took me a long time to get it back. I decided that I would go for it in the Winter of 2022 but I got COVID right before the evaluation and it destroyed my lung capacity. I was also not in the best level of conditioning.

The number of stripes on my belt sort of became a issue for me, personally. It kept saying to myself that at the rate I was going my belt was going to be black one way or another, either full or stripes or an honest to goodness black belt. So, I put my mind to it that I would go for it at the next opportunity. Well, tonight was the last boot camp and tomorrow is my final test. Wish me Good Skill, I’m gonna need it.