Andy at the Rock Spot Climbing Gym

RockClimbing with andy
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01324

Today we took Andy to the Rock Spot Climbing Gym. He has been expressing that he wants to start learning how to rock climb and we had the time today to check out the gym. We bought him a day pass so that he could try out the facility. The pass also got him the equipment he needed and shoes. He learned a powerful lesson about footwear by the end of his time climbing. Next time we tell him to find sock, proper socks, he’ll get them.

We started out with an introduction to the gym and a small lesson. They have Auto-belays that allow you to clip in and climb. There are a bunch of different levels of climbs that people could choose. Andy kept to the 5.6 and 5.7 ones. He started off with some challenges but eventually he got more comfortable in his climbing.

He would go from climb to climb and then over to the Bouldering area. He had a great time on all of it. After a couple of hours of the climbing he declared that he was pretty tired and we went home.

He enjoyed rock climbing very much and so we signed him up for a 10 week course.

Later in the afternoon we went to the Route One Cinema Pub for an early movie and dinner. We went because the place is having a hard time getting people in the door because of the way that movies and streaming services are releasing movies so quickly. so, we figured we would try and offer some support and patronage. We saw the movie. Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank. Might think that this is a just a silly kids movie but in fact, it was a kids movie that was based on the Mel Brooks movie, Blazing Saddles. I haven’t watched that movie in a long time but I remember many of the gags from it and I like how they incorporated them into this movie. Mel Brooks was even in the movie as one of the voices. That was pretty wild. The movie was decent and very funny. Makes me want to watch Blazing Saddles again.