Cape Christmas

kids christmas
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01091

We arrived on Cape Cod yesterday afternoon and had a really nice day. Today we were joined by my sister, Shelby and her family. The kids were so excited to see their cousins and play with them. Everyone hung out on the sunporch and we opened gifts in a much less frenzied fashion then past years. I actually got to see pretty much all the gifts that the kids opened. I was excited to see what Dylan thought of his gift. He really liked a remote control car that I had at the Cape last summer but it broke so we got him one of his own. We had fun driving it around the street and yards after we opened gifts.

Family Photo

My Uncle Jim came to the house later on and he took the photo above of the whole family. We haven’t had one of those in a while. It was nice to capture one of everyone together in the same place.

Lights at parents house

Later on we had pizza for dinner and then watched the movie 8-bit Christmas. I think the kids liked it. My parents did. I also captured the above photo of my Dad’s lights. He’s been setting up a more elaborate light display every year and it looks great. It was a very nice day with everyone.