Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Pre School LEGO Creativity

Photo-A-Day #2414

On the days that Eva goes to school. We discourage her from watching any TV. Just trying to put her into a learning state of mind is all. So on those mornings we try to do some activities with her. Since I have been doing SwagsGiving we’ve had lots of toys to choose from. Eva is very partial to the building toys like the KRE-O Optimus Prime and the LEGO Master Builder Academy Sets. I pulled out my original set of LEGO bricks along with some bricks from the Arctic set and the Life on Mars sets and started building. This Space Dragster sort of thing is what I came up with.

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Tea Time

Photo-A-Day #2413

Allison put together Eva’s table and chairs that we got from IKEA. Eva put it to good use right away to have a tea party with her Alpaca. The tea set is from my Mom’s friend Sharon. The set was hers and her grandmothers. She doesn’t have and granddaughters so she gave the set to Eva. Eva played so nicely with it and she is looking forward to many more.