Category Archives: Review

Review: Captain America (1990)

Did you know that before this Summer’s blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger there was another Captain America movie? I certainly didn’t but when I was given the opportunity to watch the 1990 movie the comic book geek in my said, yes please!

Here is the trailer.

Continue reading Review: Captain America (1990)

Review: Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers

Thor and Loki Blood BrothersI’ve always been a fan of mythology. Greek, Roman, Native American, Norse and more. The rich stories of mythology have been inspirations for stories in movies and comic books forever. The stories translate well because they are colorful and so full of amazing characters. The Norse god Thor and Loki are two such characters. In the Marvel comic book series Thor and Loki are brothers, sons of Odin. In the mythos of Marvel Thor is the son of Odin and Loki is the adopted son of Odin, or rather the son that was stolen from the frost giants and raised as the son of Odin. In terms of “Blood Brothers” from the title the blood is from the battles between Thor and Loki and how Loki conquers Thor and subjugates all of Asgard. But once Loki achieves all that he’s wanted he learns it isn’t exactly what he wants. Continue reading Review: Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers