Category Archives: Review

Giveaway – Finding Lost Puppies with Eva

Photo-A-Day #2254

Eva enjoys playing games. We have many games for her age and many for us. The one thing about every game that we have is that there is a winner and one or more losers. Sure, I loved playing monopoly and crushing the other players but that is certainly the type of game that can end in a fistfight or even begin with one. I don’t think I’d heard of a cooperative board game before. Luckily, game play has evolved.

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Father’s Day Scramble

Around this time of year I start getting people who would like me to mention their product and service as it pertains to Father’s Day. I get a bunch of them and not all of them are for a contest or giveaway or anything like that but just stuff for me to mention. So here are a few things that I have had experience with that I want to mention to you with regards to Father’s Day.

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