Category Archives: Toys

Early Skylanders Surprise

Photo-A-Day #3099

I was in Target today and they had a Lightcore Hex Skylander out on the shelf. I know that this isn’t supposed to be available until the release of Skylanders Swap Force so I grabbed it to see if I could buy it. I was unable to because they have a do not sell before October 13 stop order in the computer. So, I was unable to buy Lightcore Hex. No big deal I’ll be getting at least one of these on release day for Skylanders Swap force.

Don’t Miss Out on Swaptober!

Blast Charge

Want to win your own copy of one of the most highly anticipated games of 2013? Skylanders Swap Force is being released on October 13 however you can win a copy of the game all through the month of October, or rather Swaptober. You have a chance to win every day by tweeting to the @SkylandersGame twitter handle your favorite catch phrase of a swapped character. So you create the character by swapping them together like Blast Charge above. Then you come up with a catch phrase for that character and tweet it to @SkylandersGame with the hashtags #Skylanders and #Swaptober and you may be lucky enough to win one of the Starter packs that are up for grabs. You can read the full press release below because there are other fun things happening.

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