COVID Halloween Bummer

Covid Halloween
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01398

Imagine finding out that you were positive for COVID moments before heading out to trick or treat on Halloween. It’d be devastating. Well, that is what happened to Andy today. He’d been coughing for a while now but for some reason, today he was coughing more than normal. So, Allison tested him and found that he was positive for COVID. This was a precaution before heading to a friend’s house to trick or treat and well, it was really rough for Andy. Despite attending two trunk or treats already and having more candy than he’s gonna know what to do with it still stinks that he couldn’t go out on Halloween. So, he’ll be homebound and quarantined for the next week. He’ll also have to miss one of his more favorite things and that is rock climbing on Wednesday, but at least he won’t be sick with COVID for his birthday at the Rock Climbing location.

to help cheer him up we let him trick or treat at our doors in the house.