Today our little girl turned 2 years old. I am in awe of how much she has grown and changed since her birth two short years ago. She is such a funny little kid, she has amazing comic timing. She is a gentle soul and so sensitive. I sometimes cannot imagine how I can love someone so much more every single day
This morning we celebrated by relaxing and sleeping to a decent hour. It has been so long since I’ve slept past 5:30am. Allison and I gave Eva her birthday gifts. We decided to give her a VTech laptop. Sure it is for 3-6 year olds but since she wants to be more like momma and dada she loved it. She picked it up and started “working on computer”.
She was even able to tear herself away from the amazing pair of dolls that Bonnie and Howard got her. Those dolls bring interactive to a whole new level. The big winner of all the toys however was a $10 giant set of plastic replicas of foods for Eva’s little kitchen. Her imagination is developing so quickly as well. She is constantly bringing me food and drinks that she cooks in her little kitchen. I look forward to the meals that she’ll be bringing me from now on.
We were going to take Eva to the Children’s Museum in Providence but decided to tone it down so we went to the Emerald Square Mall so we could take her on the carousel. We always joke that there is no need to bring her to Disney or any other place like that because we could take her to the mall and have just as much fun. We proved that today. Grandpa Dano got her tickets to ride and he took her around once and then I took her a few times. Then our friend Michele and her kids Audrey and Nate arrived. They went around with us twice so Eva had herself four rides on the carousel and loved every one of them.
We went over to the Moose Cabin for a birthday lunch. It was Allison, Eva, Grandpa Dano and Mimi and Me. We shared (and attacked) a giant plate of nachos and when I say giant I mean that after eating that we had no need of anything else, it was that big. The Moose Cabin has a very special place in my heart because that was where Allison and I had our rehearsal dinner, it was where I went with my parents on the day that Eva was born. It doesn’t hurt that the place also has some delicious food.
In all it was a fantastic day. Now Eva is off with Mimi and Grandpa Dano visiting Allison’s brother and sister-in-law and their daughter. So Eva gets to play with her baby cousin for a couple of days and Allison and I get some time alone. But not before we took this photo.
I love that second photo of Eva. She is a gorgeous child.
Enjoy your alone time as a couple. Remember to celebrate what you have.
Thank you Quilly. We will. And I have to agree with your second sentence.
Oh I love her sweater in her first photo. She is so adorable! It was great being able to meet her at IzeaFest. Happy Birthday to Eva.
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Because I said so ~ Mom/Dad Edition Launches =-.
Eva enjoyed meeting you too. And we did as well.
Thank. We are entering Eva in the Gap Casting call and will be submitting this photo as it is a Gap sweater.
If Eva becomes the next Gap kid, which is highly likely, I want agent credits!
Not sure about that Dina as I am her personal photographer and agent.
Aw, happy birthday to your little girl! It is hard to believe how fast they grow up…mine just turned two in august too, but she thinks she is at least 6 years old like her big brother, lol.
.-= Look at what Chelle wrote blog ..9 Romantic Halloween Ideas =-.
Yes Eva is 2 going on 10, sometimes we forget what a little girl she is already.
We can certainly tell that you are a proud and loving Daddy to Eva. What a wonderful Birthday she had. It will be nice for you and Allison to spend some time alone. Take care.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
It has been nice to spend some alone time but we miss the little mush big time.
Happy Birthday Eva. That is awesome she had such a great birthday. We have a two year old also and that is such a fun age. You three look great in that picture. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Eva loved her little birthday, she kept saying that she was going to a party. It was very fun. Glad you liked the pictures too.
Wow, you got yourself one smart and adorable little lady there. I happen to know an eligible 3-year old boy who is equally precious even though his Mom is a pain in the butt
Count the blessings!
.-= Look at what Missy Ward wrote blog ..New Question: Affiliate Resources for Newbies =-.
A new suitor for our precious baby girl, how nice. We’ll have to introduce them at a future event.
Happy Birthday Eva… she is a doll in person, just like in her pictures. As a mom to twin 7 yr olds, I can tell you that sometimes the days may seem ling but as a whole it flies by. Awesome pics as usual
.-= Look at what Meredith craftyGAgal Crosby wrote blog ..How to Feed Their Behavior =-.
Thanks very much. Twin 7 year olds? That must keep you extremely busy. Glad you liked the pictures.
Little girls happy birthday is celebrated great… girl looks so cute… and its our duty to give kids joy and happiness as they grow….I love this blog and child….
.-= Look at what lisa blair wrote blog ..Downtown San Diego Zoo: The Best San Diego attraction =-.
Thank you Lisa, Eva certainly is a cutie, no doubt about that. I appreciate the comment.
Cute girl.
All the best for her future…
Thanks very much and I appreciate the comment.
I can imagine how you can love her more each day! Just little things they do can be so endearing.
Treasure the moments as time just flies by… but you still continue to love them.
.-= Look at what Emma wrote blog ..Mermaid Party Supplies =-.
Exactly. I do treasure every moment with Eva.