I Think that You Vented Into My Heart

Andy's Valentines Day Cards
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00771

Rather than buy cards this year Andy decided that he wanted to make his cards. My first instinct was to just say no and have him pick out some pre-made cards. However, I decided against that and he showed me what he was making. First he took one of his birthday cards and attempted to create it on the computer using a drawing program. He did a good job but after failing to save the progress and having to start over twice he got frustrated. I suggested that he can physically draw the card and then we can san it into the computer and then he can add the words and we can print them out. He liked that idea so he got to work.

He drew the front and inside of his card. I then scanned that into the computer, edited them to be individual files and sent them to him. He pulled them into Google slideshow and added the words. Then saved that as an image file and sent it back to me. I then set it up so that we could print three cards to a piece of paper. We printed them cut them out and then he taped on little Among Us guys that he made with clay.

the card is an Among Us themed card. Among Us is a game that is pretty popular with Andy and his friends. In the game you are either a crewmate or an imposter. The imposter’s job is to sabotage the things the crewmates do and by messing up the jobs they do or picking off crewmates one at a time. The imposter can also make use of the ventilation system of the spaceship. So they can appear instantly into rooms. I think he did a great job coming up with his card and little clay people and the saying for the inside of the card. He’s a clever kid with a big heart and I am glad I did not stifle his creativity.