Lunch Date With Eva at Bliss

Pumpkin cake ice cream
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01053

Eva had a shadow day at Feehan today and that meant that she was there for the morning shadowing a current student and she was done at 11:20am. Well, since she had the rest of the day off I decided to take her for lunch at Bliss Bros. Dairy. We enjoyed a great lunch and then split a Pumpkin Cake sundae. I wanted the pumpkin Oreo ice cream to go on it but they no longer had it. So, they gave me pumpkin ice cream sprinkled with Oreo pieces.

After I picked Eva up we went by the Attleboro Art Museum and picked up the kids’ pottery. The kids did so many nice pieces during their classes. The kids are quite talented and I love that they are checking out more artistic projects all the time.