More Basement Issues

Basement Issues
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01699

Life in an old house is interesting. We’ve been having plumbing issues since back in May when the house trap pipe overflowed with sewage. My dad suggested that we tear up the basement around where the pipe was to replace it. Today we tore up that space. We were also running snakes through the pipes because in addition to the pipes backing up at the trap they now seem to have a clog between the washing machine and the trap. About 30 across the basement floor. We snakes with a hand snake and then with a larger one. Neither worked to clear the clog despite the snake going all the way from the washing machine area to the area where I am standing above the house trap. So the snake got through but once that was removed and we ran some water things got filled back up. Tomorrow we are trying the largest size snake. Lets hope that works.