The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

During my mega purchase of Nintendo Wii items I picked up The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I finally got a chance to play with it today as I had the day off. I actually set the Wii up on our TV at home today and it is ready to go. I played Zelda about 4 hours today and I am pretty comfortable with the game controls. I just love the wireless wiimote and nunchuck, this combination is fantastic. In Zelda you control the movement of Link (or whatever you name your character) and his horse. With the wiimote you slash like you are using a sword and your sword on screen slashes as well. Different movements will bring about different actions and they work very well.

The opening stages are very good to help you learn the ins and outs of what Link can do. Just learning the techniques for running and jumping and picking things up. My tip to you, smash everything you can find, slash at the grass and find rupees galore. I’m not sure how high up you have to be to hurt link but you should be able to get up pretty high and drop to find out. There are so many great features to this game. It certainly is my favorite so far. I am as excited about this as I was about the original Zelda back in the 80’s. I would play that game for hours and I still have it.

Photo-A-Day #683 02/20/07

Mr. Potato Head at Hasbro

Today I went to the Hasbro Company corporate offices in Pawtucket, RI. It is a 15 minute drive from my house. My cousin’s wife works there and she invited me over to go to the Hasbro Employee Toy Store. I was all excited on Friday night because I thought I could take a picture of me with the Giant Hand from the movie that is holding the timer, however come to find out we would have needed special permission from Senior Management to take photos inside the building. So today’s photo is from outside the building in the visitor parking lot.

The waiting area was so cool. There were toys all over the reception desk and to read there were G.I. and Transformer’s comic books. I poked through them for a bit as I waited for Annie to come get me.

When Annie got me we went down this hall of history that had tons of classic games and toys. There was also a display of upcoming toys and games. I saw a couple of things for Transformers but they were mostly puzzles and board games, no new toys.

Before we went into the toy shop we had lunch in the cafeteria. They have a very nice cafeteria there at Hasbro and a friend of Annie’s was a manager of the food service and he brought us out some cookies. They were tasty and big with great chocolate. But I was too excited to eat. I was rearing to go check out the toys. On the way in we saw some of the upcoming Spiderman toys and Annie worked on the packaging of those toys.

After lunch I hit the toy shop and got myself 4 transformers and a toy for Allison. I picked up three Transformer’s classics and a Transformers Cybertron figure. And as we left we ran into one of Annie’s friends Forrest who is a copywriter for, you guessed it, Transformers. We chatted with him a bit and then it was time for Annie to get back to work. I had to get home and put up my photo from the trip and write up this blog post. And now I’m going to play with my new Toys.

One Family's Adventures in the World