Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The heros in a half shell are back, or will be back on 3/30/07. I loved the Ninja Turtles and especially the first movie. It was a very good movie. It even had Corey Feldman voice my favorite turtle, Donatello. Everything after that was not good, this movie is going back to the roots of the characters. The trailer is awesome!

Apple – Trailers – TMNT

Update: I watched this again and I have to say that this is how a trailer should be shot. It shows the characters that we know and love, it shows that they have their signature looks and personalities. It has almost no dialogue and it reveals nothing of the movie. The trailer is brilliant.

Outer Banks Kiting

I was contacted by my friend Andy on behalf of his friend Jay to see if I could help punch up his company website. It is only a one pager for now, but this is what I came up with. Outer Banks Kiting

It was nice to dust off the html cobwebs and work on something besides the blog. More to come for this site after the major kiteboarding season is over.

One Family's Adventures in the World