Read to Me, Dad! Review – Pizazz by Sophy Henn

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We received an advanced Reader’s copy of the upcoming book, Pizazz by Sophy Henn from Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing Division. Opinions are our own.This middle grade book is about a 9 year old reluctant superhero. Andy loved it and he is hard to find books for. The book is heavy on illustrations and is a really fun read. I let Andy read the book first and he did it in less than two days. That is a big win and endorsement by Andy. Then we talked about it together. He did give away the big reveal but that was because I asked what Pizazz had as a super power. The reveal is fun.

I reviewed the book in today’s vlog.

You can pick up the book through our affiliate links on The book will be released on June 1, 2021 along with the second book in the series, Pizazz vs. The New Kid.