Tag Archives: Anniversary

Happy 100th Attleboro

Photo-A-Day #3438

Today the city of Attleboro celebrated its 100th Anniversary with a large citywide party. There was a huge parade and the lines in the street were painted red, white and blue. For a few weeks a large birthday cake was on the corner near Capron Park. I didn’t see the parade because I was sleeping for the day (work and all) but I did wake up around 3 and walked over to the park to check things out. There were food trucks, vendors and music. I would have liked to have gone to the celebration and seen the entertainment and fireworks. But at the same time it was so hot that I’m okay with not seeing more than I did when I walked over to the park. I think I experienced just enough.

Happy 8th Anniversary

Photo-A-Day #3140

Today is our eighth wedding anniversary. It was a pretty low-key year for us as we’ve settled into life with two wonderful kids in the new house, which isn’t new anymore. Actually, we say that the place has felt like home almost immediately. Sure we are right on the corner of a good street and a not so good street but our neighbors and their antics give us things to talk about.

We celebrated by going to see the movie Thor 2 and some take out from House of Fortune. Auntie Tara watched the kiddos for us so we could watch the movie. And yes, Thor 2 isn’t the most romantic of movies but there were at least two past anniversary years when we’ve seen movies from the Twilight series, I was due. And there was twenty seconds of Thor without his shirt so that was nice for Allison.

I love you, hon. Here’s to 8 more.