Tag Archives: Barefoot Books

Barefoot Books Are In

barefoot books
Photo-A-Day #2187

Last Saturday we held an Open House/Launch Party for Barefoot Books. We did pretty well too. Our friends and family came by and bought some great books from us as we are Barefoot Books Ambassadors. Well, we made a huge order from Barefoot because we combined the party order and an order for an upcoming event that we’re participating in. Today we got a shipment of 15 boxes from Barefoot. That’s was so much that they had to back the truck up to the house. LOL.

Barefoot Books Launch Party

Photo-A-Day #2178

Today Allison and I officially launched our Barefoot Books business. We launched with an open house. We had a bunch of our friends come over with their kids. Everyone liked the books very much and we did well with our launch. I’m very proud of all the hard work that Allison has been doing with Barefoot Books. She’s even lined up some great events in the next month. Continue reading Barefoot Books Launch Party