I received a copy of the season 3 Blu-ray for Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters. The final 13 episodes of my most favorite Transformers series ever. Opinions of the Blu-ray are based upon my personal viewing and bias to Transformers as I’ve been collecting them for 10 years. They are 100% my own.
My collection of Transformers Prime Blu-rays is complete. I now have the (short) Season 3 Blu-ray set that collects all of the third season plus some fun extras like the Hasbro Studios panel at San Diego Comic Con as well as more commentary from the show’s actors and creators, writers and producers. I haven’t been able to go through the whole series yet on the Blu-ray but I did watch every episode as it came out on The Hub.
I was disappointed to get a shortened season and I think that there could have been much more to add to the series but I’m greedy in that way because this was the very best Transformers series I have ever seen. And being a fan from 1984 that is saying something. It was a perfect blend of keeping true to the original G1 series and then incorporating all those series that came after it including the movies.
One thing that carried over from the movies was Bumblebee’s inability to speak. That irked me but I was finally rewarded with the best possible voice for Bumblebee in Will Friedle. When Bumblebee speaks for the very first time in this series it has such a weight behind it. I cried a little, I was tired. Bumblebee was that kind of character who in G1 was the one who meshed best with the humans. Being unable to speak, though, did not mean that he could not communicate. The relationship with Raf was an important one and when Bumblebee speaks to Raf for the first time it has such meaning.
This final season saw the Autobots on the run from the Decepticons. Would Optimus Prime die? Would another bot become the Prime? Would they find each other and defeat the Decepticons? So many questions and on top of that some new major threats in the form of Predaking and Shockwave. Continue reading DVD Review: Transformers Prime Season 3