Tag Archives: Benspark.com

BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome!

BenSpark's Big Box of Awesome!
Photo-A-Day #1337

Sure, that could describe the box that is sitting in the back seat of my car right now. That would be my box of Transformers and other toys from my desk at work, see Wednesday’s post.

No, this is a box of mysterious stuff that I collected, amassed, was given, begged, borrowed and stole. This is a box of Awesome that I am going to give to one lucky reader. I’ll be revealing a few of the items that are in the box in the next few days. There is a lot of stuff in the box. You can already see that there is a T-Shirt in the box. Are there more? What else is there? How can you win?

How to gain entry into the contest:
* Contest open to US mailing addresses only. Sorry.
* MAIN RULE – Leave a comment making a guess as to what is inside BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome (you don’t have to be right), there are many things. (remember if this rule is not followed then no others will count)
* 1 Extra Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed or by email (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Stumble this post (sociable icons are at the bottom of the post) and leave your Stumble name (I will be checking) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Favorite The BenSpark in Technorati (sociable icons are at the bottom of the post) and leave your name (I will be checking) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Follow me on Twitter (button on the top left sidebar) and let me know your Twitter name in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Post this link to Facebook let me know in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Tweet this “RT What is in @benspark ‘s Big Box of Awesome? Find out here http://urlbrief.com/5aa757” leave me the link to the tweet in a separate comment
* 2 Extra Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog. Let me know the link in a separate comment

Easily Subscribe via e-mail:

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Contest will start now and end December 17th at 12:00pm EST BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome will be mailed out December 18th. Hopefully it will arrive in time for Christmas. Contest open to US residents only.

Have you actually seen everything that is in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome. Check out all the “revealed” items on my Flickr page.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot….

It's Beginning to Look a Lot....
Photo-A-Day #1334

I think my weakest photography skill is using the manual settings on the camera in low light. I experiment over and over yet I am not fully aware of exactly what I am doing. I have been taking the tripod out and using it each night to get some nice outdoor shots. That is primarily due to getting home when it is dark and leaving for work when it is dark. So I’ll be taking more photos at night.

This one is of my mom’s little ceramic white tree with multicolored lights on it. They did not get that burst of light like the outdoor lights, I’m not sure whether it was the type of light or that there was too much light in the room. I took a photo of the tree at some point in my Photo-A-Day career, I’ll have to go back over it. Surrounding the tree on the sideboard is an army of Santas of all shapes and sizes. There is even a Troll doll one.

In Blogging news, Pownce is closing up shop. I used Pownce a little bit and had my posts automatically go there from Utterli but that was about it. What Pownce is doing right is they are allowing you to export your posts. I’ll probably import them into Google Is Not God, that is my catch all for things that are random. Twitter is the big winner now and so is Facebook. Speaking of Facebook I’ve been playing a bunch of the games and inviting my friends but many people are not accepting the invites. I’d really like to be able to play the higher levels of the games but I can’t do that without a gang, squad, crew or whatnot. You don’t have to play. I get a dozen or so requests each day for lil green plant, I accept them and move on.

In a better use of my facebook time however I have found some old friends from way back and have started making some very good connections with people. I may have even gotten some readers for the blog. If you came from Facebook leave a comment and say hello.

Last night I put together my 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendar. In my haste to get it up and done by December 1st I forgot one piece from last year’s Calendar in the Lulu version. There are no titles for the photos nor a title on the front of the calendar. Today I made another calendar on Zazzle.com. This one has the titles and the cover title but the amount that I get as a reseller is less than the lulu cut. Since I am giving my proceeds, all of my proceeds, to the Relay For Life I’d encourage you to buy the Lulu.com version if you were so inclined. But if you want the Zazzle version that is cool too because every donation counts no matter the size. Another thing with Zazzle, there are always coupon codes that you can use like CYBERZSHIP08 for free shipping no matter how much you order, so in that case you can get an “I’m Not A Famous Blogger T-Shirt” too. A perfect Christmas gift for that ironic blogger in your family.

Come back tomorrow as I announce the winners of the Edge Tech Digital Photo Frame Contest.