Photo-A-Day #1511
Do you see a flower that is ready to bloom again or one that is going to die?

Photo-A-Day #1511b Bonus
Do you see the sign keeping people away or do you see the Geese and goslings paddling along?
FYI: Might be slow to update here for a while. I’ll still be posting up photos each day.

Photo-A-Day #1476
The flowers in the backyard are starting to bloom on the trees. This afternoon we took Eva to the backyard to play with her workbench. I picked up a set of tools for her to play with outside. She enjoyed them very much. I took a few nice shots of her out in the yard too.

Eva’s working on her workbench.

Eva’s new set of tools and her workbench.

Eva may just be a goal after all. She’s not a fan of kicking the ball.
One Family's Adventures in the World