Tag Archives: blooming

New Buds

New Buds
Photo-A-Day #1481

The trees around the house are starting to break open with new leaves and new blooms. On my way in to work today there was a tree that was full of beautiful flowers. By the afternoon the petals from all the flowers were littering the ground. Some of these really beautiful things happen so fast that we can miss them. What I noticed about this tree branch was how the bud peeled back and the new leaves jetted out from the brown branch that had, until recently, been completely bare. I probably should have taken this shot from my tripod with my macro or at least zoom lens but I think I captured it sharp enough. It was one of those things that I could have spent a long time shooting it from all sorts of angles too, but it was too buggy.

In other news you can catch my avatar in this new video about the Nutritter Alpha and twitter integration.

Also, you have a mere 2 days left to enter the 16GB iPod giveaway from BenSpark.com and Market Leverage.com. Also I am in the home stretch of a comment contest on my two posts about Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs. I need everyone who is reading this post to please comment on both of these posts, please. Being Responsible and Blogs, Brews 2 Recap

White Noise

White Noise
Photo-A-Day #1476

The flowers in the backyard are starting to bloom on the trees. This afternoon we took Eva to the backyard to play with her workbench. I picked up a set of tools for her to play with outside. She enjoyed them very much. I took a few nice shots of her out in the yard too.

Hard at work
Eva’s working on her workbench.

If I had a hammer
Eva’s new set of tools and her workbench.

Eva may just be a goal after all. She’s not a fan of kicking the ball.