Tag Archives: Burgers

Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy to Lunch

With Andrew Kardon and our Steampunk Goggles
Photo-A-Day #3239

Today was my last day in New York after Toy Fair 2014. I stayed an extra day in case I wanted to go back to the show floor in the morning (wasn’t that ambitious) but also to have lunch with a guy I’ve known online for a while now but have never met, Andrew Kardon of Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy.

We met for lunch over at Brother Jimmy’s in Midtown. That was after I packed up all of my Toy Fair Swag and shipped it home to myself via FedEx. There was may more than last year for me. I caught a cab which was the best plan because it was pouring out and headed to Brother Jimmy’s. Andrew and I have both done posts and giveaways from SteamPunk Goggles and we thought it would be fun and funny to meet up and take some photos while wearing them. It was.

We had a great time talking about all things geeky and blogging and movies and more. It was great to finally meet him in person and share a meal. I look forward to our next conversation.

Running Crazy Errands All Day But Loving Family Time

Running Crazy Errands All Day But Loving Family Time
Photo-A-Day #2608

Today we were off and running. Well okay Eva was up and running at 6 till we told her to go to sleep or at least play quietly for another hour. But after that we were running.

I dropped Eva at school got a haircut jumped over to Toys R Us to look for Skylanders but found a very cool table on clearance. This table is a combination LEGO table and craft table for kids. I didn’t buy it but ran over to Triple Play Car Wash to get my car done after about 4 years. I seriously never wash the thing. There is a handprint from Eva where I ask her to touch the car when she gets out of the car. There is even the word Dirty still written by the finger of my buddy Ken back in ’05. So it was overdue for the wash. Continue reading Running Crazy Errands All Day But Loving Family Time