Tag Archives: Cali Lewis

Get well Cali Lewis….

If you are wondering who Cali Lewis is then you can’t call yourself a tech geek, you just can’t. Cali is the hostess of GeekBrief.tv, the Internet’s greatest podcast (in my opinion). She has an infectious laughter and such a warmth that comes through in her podcasts, and she talks really real fast and is so excited.

Cali is sick and is pretty knocked out on treatment. So I am wishing Cali to get well soon because I miss seeing her podcasts. Also because Cali was nice enough to give me advice and critique on my very own Wired Kayaker podcast. She is a busy woman and didn’t have to do that. But I appreciate it and will take those bits of advice to heart to change future podcasts.

Photo-A-Day #717 03/26/07

Sunrise at Logan Airport

Getting up in the early early morning has some benefits. Shorter lines at the airport, and occasionally I get a great sunrise to look at. I’ve been thinking about the upcoming Photo contest on FuelMyBlog and the theme is “My Window on the World”. So that was my window on the world today and many other days. Maybe I should submit it. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #717 03/26/07