Tag Archives: Cali Lewis

Day 2: At Blog World Expo

I just started the Day at Blog World Expo and saw the keynote with Leo LaPorte. His keynote was excellent and then he was mobbed by a crowd of people. I have to find him and give him my card and tell him about The Wired Kayaker. I think that concept in Podcasting is new and different and he might like hearing about it.

Leo has a bunch of podcasts and you should be watching them and listening to them. I’ll be subscribing and listening from now on. I had heard about Leo through the podcast Geek Brief.tv (I wish Cali Lewis was here I would have loved to have met her.) And anyway Cali has been on Leo’s shows a couple of times and vice versa. I would also encourage you to go to twit.tv.

Leo also talked about Roz Savage. This woman rowed across the Atlantic. Rowed, as in a rowboat. Mind you it was freaking huge but my god the woman is amazing! Leo mentioned her because she is going to row across the pacific and blog it the whole time. She blogged her row across the Atlantic to. I need to go read more about her.

The Wired Kayaker has a new logo…

For the past couple of days I’ve been conversing with David Airey. I won an awesome contest that he hosted and it included a custom logo for one of my blogs. I chose The Wired Kayaker. This is going to be one of those blogs of mine where I am not only going to be posting great information about kayaks and kayaking but also podcasts. I have done a couple and have two more that need to be edited. That is, when I can find hours to devote to the editing. Anyway I have a new logo for The Wired Kayaker and once November rolls around and the pink themes change I am going to unveil it on The Wired Kayaker.

Update: It looks like David Airey beat me too it. Check out his blog post about the Wired Kayaker Logo and how he came up with the design. I suggested slanting the kayaks to represent the forward slashes in “http://”. I’m glad he used that suggestion, I think it really lends to the overall design and I am very pleased with it.

I also am going to get a new site theme for Read To Me, Dad. That blog will soon become an online force to be reckoned with as I explore different children’s books as well as tips for new dads. I already have a great recipe for do it yourself baby wipes and once I actually make them I will share that with you on Read To Me, Dad. Read To Me, Dad is also being hosted by John Boardley of . John set me up with hosting and even loaded the blog with the latest version of WordPress. Sweet! With the custom them from Nate Whitehill of Nate Whitehill dot Com and Unique Blog Designs.

And today I got my Moo cards for Blog World Expo. If you are there ask me for one they rock. Those and my VistaPrint cards with moo stickers on them are very very cool. Ask me for one of each. I got a ton and want to share.

I didn’t win for the best Photography blog, I came in 5th or 6th, that is a pretty good showing. Anyway voting is done for 2007 but it starts again already for next year. I’d certainly like to win. So 2008 is going to be a great year for Photo-A-Day. Vote early help get me to the top of the pile and stay there.

Oh and I almost forgot. Cali Lewis mentioned Read To Me, Dad on her Geek Brief 246. I used her promo codes with go Daddy.com to buy the domain name of readtomedad.com. Watch the brief, and you will want to subscribe to her podcasts. She rocks.

Quite the tease of a post I must admit. Visit the blogs on the 1st and see what changes have occurred. You won’t be disappointed.