Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Randomness on Cape Cod

A Night in Woods Hole
Photo-A-Day #4488

I titled this post Randomness on Cape Cod because I had some big plans for doing some vlogs while at the Cape. Then we had two days tht were so cold and dreary my energy was sapped and I already had a bunch of videos in the can so I was sloppy and lazy about taking any video. So this is actually a compilation of things that we did while on the Cape throughout the week. Did I get any footage of The Beach? Nope. National Sundae Day? Nope. I am slipping. Paul’s Pizza? Nope. Next week on the Cape I will be better.

Today was the opening picnic for families of the kids in the Children’s School of Science. this was the first one that I have been able to attend. It was nice. We took the rest of our Paul’s Pizza to eat cold at the picnic.
We learned that Andrew is not a fan of this way of eating pizza. He did, however, find plenty of brownies and watermelon to enjoy as his meal. The kids took turns on the zipline as I took slow motion video of them, that is pretty much all the video that was specifically from today. We are having fun but heading home tomorrow.