Tag Archives: Cards

SwagsGiving 2 Giveaway: Redakai

I received a Redakai X-Reader Starter Pack to test and review. When I was in college I started collecting a Collectible Trading Card based on a series of comics that I really enjoyed. When I say I was into this I was REALLY into this. I ordered packs by the case. A case had over 5 boxes in it. It was crazy. If this game was around when I was collecting I’m pretty sure I would be into this game because it looks so fun. I’m actually interested in playing this game with someone else who plays.

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Hallmark Card Maker Software

Recently Allison and I purchased some Hallmark Card Making software. Allison loves it because there are so many cards to choose from and she is a card buff. She writes out cars to everyone and there is hardly ever a night when she doesn’t have at least one or two cards tat she writes out. She had boxes of cards for special occasions and is very excited at having an entire card shop on the computer. We did many cards for the family for Christmas with the Card Studio software. It is a very nice product to have. There is also special paper that goes with the card program.