Tag Archives: charlie brown

Kicking Up the Leaves

Kicking Up The Leaves
Photo-A-Day #2030

Tonight we had an early dinner and so it was still fairly light for us to go for a walk. We had some library books to return so we took a walk to the library and Eva wanted to kick up some leaves. The other day we ran around the yard throwing up the leaves and laughing. Eva saw the kids from the school across the street playing and throwing the leaves around. She wanted to know what they were doing. She’s very inquisitive and loves to play.

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Prepping for Halloween

Photo-A-Day #1666

Tonight Allison, Eva and I enjoyed what I hope to be a tradition every year. We watched “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!” (aff link). I love Snoopy and the whole Peanuts gang. Charles M Schulz is one of my heros too. So, sharing this movie with Eva and seeing how much she loved it was wonderful.

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