Tag Archives: child

Getting to Know Andrew

Getting to Know Andrew
Photo-A-Day #2422

Last night was our first night with Andrew at home. He did pretty well. I was up with him for a few hours trying to sooth him and get him back to sleep. Allison was pretty tired after being so tough the past few days, she needed some rest. I was nice to have today to ourselves so that we could adjust a bit to having Andrew home. Eva was off at the Cape with my parents and her Aunt Tara, Uncle Erik and Nana Bonnie and Uncle Howard. She came home a little more spoiled too. That kid makes out like a bandit. There are games and toys and treats galore for us to play with. Continue reading Getting to Know Andrew

BenSpark’s Doodle Roll Contest Winner

The winner of the Doodle Roll contest is Melissa B. (@Angelia818). I’ll be sending her instructions for claiming the prize and get that right out to her. I hope that she and her daughter have as much fun with it as Eva and I do whenever we go out. There have been several occasions where we wished we had the Doodle Roll with us. We really need to keep it on us no matter where we go.