Photo-A-Day #1395
I have said it before but I love Average Betty. I have finally made one of her recipes. I made the hot and delicious Hoffapenos! They are so delicious. Bacon goodness, cream cheese and the hotness of Jalapenos!
I made sure I had some rubber gloves while working with the jalapenos. I have cream cheese, jalapenos and bacon. Everything is great with bacon.
I added my own touches to the recipe including adding Velveeta cheese and Red Robin seasoning.
I split all the jalapenos and and removed the seeds. If you leave some seeds the hoffapeno is harder. I left some of them in a few of the jalapenos.
I cut up 5 jalapenos to get them ready to stuff with cream cheese and Velveeta.
All the Hoffapenos ready to be put into the oven.
12 Hoffapenos ready and waiting for the oven.
But Hoffapenos weren’t the only things that we made for the Superbowl. I made some chicken wings. Now I don’t always remember what I put in those but here is some idea of what was in the marinade. One set just had a mixture of REd Robin seasoning and cajun seasonings. It was marinated in Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar. I also threw a shot of Jose Curevo. The wings were in the marinade overnight and turned a few times. Then before I put the wings in the oven I put some brown sugar on them. The second set of wings had a ton of different spices, the vinegar, olive oil and cuervo plus Franks Red Hot Buffalo wind sauce.
Also Allison made some delicious Turkey Chili. It was so good and had tons of beans and tomatos. 3lbs of Turkey too. So awesome.
Eva was with us till a little before the halftime show. She finally got tired enough to go down for the night. She loved all the action, food and attenion from Memere.
I’m loving the commercials for the superbowl and cannot wait to see G.I. Joe and the Transformers. This summer is going to be so much fun for me. I’m a child of the 80’s and that child inside me never left those 80s. I hope everyone had a great Superbowl Sunday and spent much time with friends and family and had great fun and food.
If someone talked over the good ads you can see them all on Hulu.com.