Tag Archives: Christmas

The Grinch

Sometimes you want to feel like The Grinch and sometimes you want to sing with the Whos down in Whoville. Who doesn’t love Max the dog? The original animated movie is far superior to the Jim Carey live action one. It is such a fantastic Christmas classic. The ride down the mountain with the gifts all loaded up is one of my favorite parts. I just love all the fun things that are found down in Whoville. Such a wonderful movie to watch during Christmas.


Probably the most classic children’s Christmas movie ever. A story about finding your place in the world and the cruelty that can befall you and how friends can help lift you higher than you’ve ever gone before. When I was a kid, before Tivo, DVD’s and VCRs I would have to wait all year to see Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. And when you were a kid that movie felt like it was epic and that it took forever. I look back and imagine that movie being about 4 hours long but it was probably because I was 7 and it was on close to or past my bedtime and I just was tired. I just love the parts with Yukon Cornelius. The movie is wonderful and should be a part of your collection.