Tag Archives: Church

Easter 2009

Easter 2009
Photo-A-Day #1465

Today was Easter and we had a nice day filled with family, food and fun. Eva looked so beautiful in her pretty dress and sweater.

We started the morning with Church with my Mom, Dad, Tara and Erik. Then Eva hunted Easter eggs filled with change. Eva loves putting change in her piggy bank. We also had a very nice brunch at my Mom and Dad’s. Auntie Shelby and her boyfriend Tim visited for the brunch.

After brunch we headed down to the Cape to visit my grandmother. We saw some of my cousins, aunts and uncles and grandma and grandpa. Eva got a bunch of wonderful things including some great books, toys and clothes. That kid makes out like a bandit, I tell ya.

Well I am beat, to see more of our Easter Sunday 2009 check out these Flickr Photos.

Prismatic Adventures

Prismatic Adventures
Photo-A-Day #1444

I held Eva’s toy kaleidoscope over the lens of my Canon SD 800is and took a few pictures. I’m not sure what I was looking at for the photo-A-Day shot but I did try this again with something else that Eva received from the party.

Mickey in Kaleidoscope.

Can you guess what it could have been?

Kaleidoscope and Mickey Noisemaker

Typical Sunday around these parts. It was pretty nice right after church and Eva went for a walk with Memere. I did my usual Sunday ritual of going grocery shopping. Looking ahead to a nice quiet evening.