Tag Archives: #CollectiveBias

Who is Excited to #OwnTheGalaxy? Guardians of the Galaxy on Blu-Ray Tomorrow

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OwnTheGalaxy #CollectiveBias

#OwnTheGalaxy #CollectiveBias #Ad - Guardians of the Galaxy Releases on DVD and Blu-Ray on December 9 2014

One of my all-time favorite movies came out this past year and it was Guardians of the Galaxy. I loved everything about this movie including the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack, which is one that we play often around my house. I have a pretty unique experience with this movie and that is why I love it so much. I was lucky enough to attend a press tour in California to see the movie weeks before anyone else. I also had the opportunity to meet the cast and interview them. I got to shake hands with Drax, Dave Bautista, and sing with Groot, Vin Diesel. It was amazing and I couldn’t stop talking about it when I returned home. Which was good because my kids kept asking me all about the movie and their favorite character, Baby Groot. They just love the Baby Groot dancing clip. I am once again excited because tomorrow Guardians of the Galaxy is being released on Blu-Ray/DVD/HD and I can #OwnTheGalaxy. You can order the movie, soundtrack, toys and so many other Guardians of the Galaxy products through the Walmart website. Continue reading Who is Excited to #OwnTheGalaxy? Guardians of the Galaxy on Blu-Ray Tomorrow

Sweet Potato in the Pumpkin Patch Parfait is #ThankfullySweet #CollectiveBias #Ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

Sweet Potato in the Pumpkin Patch Parfait is #ThankfullySweet and made with Mrs. Smith's Pie and Cool Whip #CollectiveBias #Ad

Meal preparation is one of the things that I do while Allison is at work. Sometimes I like to surprise the family with a tasty dessert. I’m always looking for new ideas and coming up with some of my own. When asked to participate in this #ThankfullySweet project with #CollectiveBias I was excited because I could use my creativity with Mrs. Smith’s Pies and Kraft Cool Whip. An all new dessert was going to become part of my repertoire. If you need more inspiration, check out the Cooking Up Good website. It has recipes, sweepstakes, loyalty programs, coupons and more! What’s not to love? If you’re looking for a new dinner idea or a chance to win some awesome prizes, be sure to check it out!

Mrs. Smith Pies and Cool Whip Purchases

Is there anything more delicious than a big dollop of Cool Whip on a piece of pie? I am going to say yes, yes there is. I’ve created two desserts with the same ingredients and they were both big hits with the family. At least one of the desserts will become something I will serve again. Actually, this coming weekend I will be serving it to the folks I work with. We’re doing a Pie Party Pot Luck over the course of the weekend. I will be introducing everyone to the Sweet Potato in the Pumpkin Patch Parfait, right after I tell you all about it in the video and recipe below.

What is really nice about the Sweet Potato in the Pumpkin Patch Parfait is that you can have a little taste of many dessert flavors and textures in one cup and not overdo it. Continue reading Sweet Potato in the Pumpkin Patch Parfait is #ThankfullySweet #CollectiveBias #Ad