When I was a kid we would play car games. License plate bingo, try and make a big rig honk by pumping your arm up and down, punchbuggy and a parental favorite, the quiet game. My kids have many more options for their road trip entertainment and rather than have them just play games I like them to learn a little something. That is why I love apps on the iPad and iPhone. There are so many apps that are all about learning but disguised as games.
Disney Learning recently released their first math and science app. Kids can drive along with Mickey and his clubhouse friends around the world to many different habitats to find, count and photograph animals. In each habitat Mickey will ask kids to find a certain number of animals and if they pick the right group they can then photograph the animals. You travel through many environments because Mickey and friends are headed to the beach so Mickey can photograph some bottlenose dolphins but he keeps making wrong turns. Continue reading App Review: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Wildlife Count Along!