Tag Archives: cupcakes

Marcia and the Minis

Photo-A-Day #2371

Today Grandpa Dano and Mimi headed back home. We went over to Morin’s Diner for breakfast. Allison and I split some pumpkin pancakes and they were amazing! This was probably something that I wouldn’t have ordered for myself but I certainly would again. Allison said that it is good that I am enjoying pumpkins so much because she’s found a bunch of great pumpkin recipes. I say bring it on. Continue reading Marcia and the Minis

Sweet Tasting SweetWorks Cupcakes

SweetWorks Cupcakes
Photo-A-Day #2099

Tonight we took Allison out for a birthday dinner at El Azteca over in Attleboro. We’ve heard all sorts of great things about this place. It was pretty decent. They make good chips and salsa as well as guacamole. The rest of the food was decent. I did get some pretty pedestrian stuff, didn’t step too far outside the comfort zone this time.

Continue reading Sweet Tasting SweetWorks Cupcakes