Tag Archives: Daughter

Looking Ahead with Clarity

Looking Ahead with Clarity
Photo-A-Day #2094

Another year is upon us and it started so well. Allison, Eva and I made a snowman in the front yard complete with carrot nose. She loves the snow and making snow angels although she is too light to actually make an impact in the snow to be able to make the angels. The snow was good for snowmen but way too wet for snow angels. She didn’t care, she liked it anyway. Continue reading Looking Ahead with Clarity

Happy 2nd Birthday Little Miss Magic

Happy 2nd Birthday, Little Miss Magic
Photo-A-Day #1646

Today our little girl turned 2 years old. I am in awe of how much she has grown and changed since her birth two short years ago. She is such a funny little kid, she has amazing comic timing. She is a gentle soul and so sensitive. I sometimes cannot imagine how I can love someone so much more every single day

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