Tag Archives: dinner

Dinner Date with Andrew

Dinner Date with Andrew
Photo-A-Day #4689

Sometimes on a Tuesday, Andrew and I get dinner after karate class. That is, if he has behaved in such a way that reflects a Black Belt. And to be honest, sometimes when I just don’t want to do anything else. Tuesday is one of those nights where too much is happening. Eva has dance and Andrew has karate. The family meets at the house briefly and then Andrew and I fly out the door. Allison and Eva have a little time to breathe before they are off to dance. Andrew and I get home first and usually watch a show or play or something till Allison and Eva return.

Tonight Andrew and I went to Emma’s in Norton because Tuesday night’s kids get free hot fudge sundaes and they also provide you with a basket of popcorn (or two) before your meal. The food is delicious and plentiful, too. You should see the kids Mac and Cheese. Always some left over.

When we got there no one was in the dining room. We picked a seat and sat down. the waitress came in and said that the lights were too bright and that she’d lower them. Someone else who worked there came in and said, that is too low. They are father and son, they’re not on a date. Andrew was tickled by this even though he doesn’t quite know what a date is. This was the first thing that he told Allison about dinner. It was cute and funny. Andrew was also cracking me up during dinner. I’m glad for that because often times I am too uptight to really appreciate how funny he can be. Granted, he always takes it too far. But, it was a nice dinner with Andrew, something we don’t do as much of these days with himin school. I do miss all that one on one time together.

A Fancy Dinner Night

Four Little Loves
Photo-A-Day #4495

Last year Eva would go to the Farmer’s Market on Thursdays and use those items to work on dinner for the family. This year she had a week at Johnson and Wales learning all sorts of baking skills and she came home with a bunch of recipes as well as some samples of her work. There were many tasty treats made and she wanted to make a special dinner for everyone in the family to enjoy.

God bless my sister Tara for helping her get everything made. This was a big undertaking for both of them. They made salad with shrimp, picked up Captain Parker’s Clam Chowder with Homemade Cheddar Bacon Biscuits. the main course was some Cod, corn and zucchini and squash. Dessert was the filling for the chocolate cream pie with whipped cream and special Italian Maraschino Cherries. Eva even made little menus and put them on everyone’s plate along with place-cards and more. The fine china was used and even Andrew got a fancy glass for his drinks.

Andrew also made up a couple of songs that he played on the guitar. He definitely has a gentle soul under all those silly little boy shenanigans.

Dinner was really good, Eva and Tara did a nice job. It was a bit chaotic with everyone and the noise and I may have been a bit stressed out. Between dinner and dessert we went for a walk with the kids and my parents while Tara and Shelby cleaned up. A walk is what was needed. The kids got to let off some steam and run around. We also took some nice family photos including this one of the grandparents and grandkids. Continue reading A Fancy Dinner Night