Tag Archives: Dog

Rocky Barking Training

Rocky Barking
Photo-A-Day #2204

I went over to my friends Neil and Andrea’s house to help them train their dog, Rocky. Rocky needed to learn a little about not barking at new people. So, I went over to be a new face and new person in Rocky’s life. I hadn’t met Rocky before and so when I knocked on the door he started to bark. We slowly worked on me coming into the house and talking with Neil and Andrea to going upstairs and me walking around without Rocky barking. Continue reading Rocky Barking Training

Saying Goodbye to The General

Photo-A-Day #2064

Tomorrow we will be saying goodbye to The General. The General joined our family a few short months. My sister Tara cared for The General in a very good way. He lived out his last days with us enjoying a nice big yard to explore. Good food to eat and the incredible care from Tara. She is a special sort of person who has taken in a few dogs over the years to help foster them through their later years.

Continue reading Saying Goodbye to The General