Tag Archives: Dogs

Bye, Bye Fraiser

Originally Posted by Allison

For those who have been to my parents house and met the zoo that my mother calls her cats, I have sad news. On Friday mom had to have Fraiser put down. He was the giant white cat with more personality than most humans I know.

Fraiser had Feline Leukemia, unbeknownst to us; that combined with fluid around his heart made him rather sick at the end of last week. My mom and Fraiser had a special bond and she has had a difficult time dealing with his loss. I think I’m still in denial a bit, since I haven’t been home yet. But I know that he’s at peace now and is probably up in pet heaven with Rikki, causing trouble and enjoying nice juicy steaks.

So farewell Frais! “Meow”

Happy New Year!

Trivial Pursuit, The men are headed for the middle and victory!

This year Allison and I attended a very nice New Year’s Eve get together with our friends. The party was hosted by Derek and Michelle. Their friend Mike came and so did Derik and Sarah and Neil and Andrea. Michelle made a great Taco ring from the Pampered Chef line. It was very tasty. Derek burned our tongues to cinders with a couple drops of some cheese dip laced with some crazy hot, hot sauce (Dave’s Insanity Sauce). My taste buds were fried for a little while. I made two racks of pork ribs that had been in the crock pot slow cooking all day long. When the pieces were removed from the crock pot the bones fell right off the meat.

Coco gets close to the action, or at least the camera.

As Neil can attest to, because by the time he arrived the crock pot contained many bones and a mere hint of the meat that had been on them.

As the night continued we pulled out the 20th Anniversary Edition of Trivial Pursuit and took up the banners of guys vs. girls. Please note, that in a most sexist manner the boys took the blue piece and the ladies the pink. Also note that our pie was full. That’s what happens when you get five brains full of useless knowledge working in unison.