Tag Archives: Easter

Review: Time to Hop into Easter

When Hop was in the movie theaters we took Eva to see it. She had already been to the movies once before and she liked it so we figured that this would be a cute movie for her to go and see. She enjoyed it and so did we, it was cute and silly and fun. Russell Brand was very funny as E. B. the son of the Easter Bunny with a dream to drum in a band. James Marsden as Frank, a slacker who loves Easter and who saw the Easter Bunny as a child also did a good job in the movie. But it was Hanz Azaria who got many of the best lines. We watched the movie again on Blu-ray and it was fun the second time around.

The Blu-ray has some very fun options including commentary by Hank Azaria as Carlos and games and so many other fun features. Here is the trailer and an exclusive clip of Phil’s Dance Party plus the Press Release.

Hop Trailer:

Continue reading Review: Time to Hop into Easter

Happy Easter 2011

Photo-A-Day #2207

Today was a wonderful Easter. We were up early and off to 8:00am Mass. Eva sat with Auntie Tara and Uncle Erik and Memere. Allison and I sat two pews up with Grandfather. It was a nice Mass and Fr. Dave’s homily was entertaining and informative. After Mass I took a photo of Eva with my cameraphone and sent it to Mimi and Grandpa Dano’s Kodak Pulse wi-fi enabled Digital Photo Frame. I also posted it to Facebook. She was so cute. Continue reading Happy Easter 2011