Photo-A-Day #4154
We do a sendoff to my supervisor tonight at work. Her name is Deb and our manager brought in Little Debbie snacks for the party. First dad joke that hit all year.
I’ve been trying to get good video for the Xtreme Cycle Moto-Cam. I took it with me yesterday to shoot footage before work. Then this morning I took it back to the skate park a second time to get footage from the Moto-Cam itself. However, I am having trouble with the cycle. It is not recording as I expect and I can’t get the files to use on my computer. They are ending up being unreadable. I’m getting a lot better at driving the cycle but I have crashed it many times and sometimes from great heights. The handlebars are busted, but it still can drive. The gyro is making a god-awful noise, but it still drives. The camera does record and I can see the videos through an app called VLC on my phone, but not my computer.
I ran into a guy at the Skate Park. He watches Youtube videos all the time. Mostly Video games and toy reviews, so I think he found my vlog today and left me a comment. I offered to let him drive the Xtreme Cycle but he didn’t want to, he’d rather watch.
The Xtreme Cycle is overall pretty good, there are some flaws to it but it does do some cool things. I’m beating the heck out of it as I try and get some good footage. There is some footage in today’s video. I edited this very quickly and very sloppily. Sorry about that. Next one will be better.