Tag Archives: Fenyx Rising

The Lights at Night in the Office

The Lights at Night in the Office
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00756

I finished all of Fenyx Rising and that includes finding everything in the game. The game is a super vast one with tons of things that you can do so occasionally I look to online guides for maps that show where certain things are located. Then I go find the things or fight the monsters. In the game there are several armor sets, wings, weapons, and much more. I think that out of all the vaults I went into I only missed one chest in a wraith vault. That and there is one glitch that does not give me the proper version of one of the armor sets.

Once you finish the game you can replay it at a harder level. I played on Normal and then started the next time through on Hard. The nice thing is that you end up with everything you collected and all of your abilities intact. That makes going through the game so much easier the second time around.

I thought this looked cool in Night Sight so I used that feature on my phone to take the photo tonight.

Caught Up in the Gameplay

Fenyx rising
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00742

A couple ears back I ended a 14 year photo-a-day run bey forgetting to take a photo that day. Being cooped up at home every day during the pandemic has brought challenges to finding interesting things to photograph. I forgot today, but I did take this photo of the game Fenyx Rising while I was playing so that I could solve a riddle in the game. I’ve been playing this game a lot lately and I realize that if I had a cell phone with a camera and could have photographed things along the way in other games I probably could have solved things a lot faster as a kid. However, I probably wouldn not be as good as I am today at solving puzzles when they come up in the games that I am playing now.