Tag Archives: Fortnite

Random Desk Art

rock turtle
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00179

Not much to say about this here. I spent the day working on catching up on the daily Fortnite videos that I missed while on vacation. These had started gaining some momentum before we left and then it slowed down a bit while we were gone. They get more views if they are released on the day that the challenge comes out. So, despite not having been around I still wanted to get some done to get them published in case people still needed help.

So Today’s photo was randomly taken while walking around the desks at work.

The Fox Says Be Awesome Today

Fox Friday
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00149

It started doing more of something new today. I started recording myself playing video games and will be making some tips and tricks segments for different games that I can share with people on the YouTube Channel. Right now I am playing a lot of Fortnite but am also playing a game called Dauntless where you collaborate with other players to take down giant monsters. It is a rather fun game.

I’ve got to figure out the best place to put that camera, though.