Tag Archives: Fuel My Blog

Photo-A-Day #679 02/16/07

This is one of two historic round buildings in my town. I cannot find out information online about these buildings. One is being turned into condos and I am not exactly sure that the purpose of this one is right now. Our historical society has a pretty lame website. Oh well, I will try and find out more about this building, I think it is called a gas house but my searches are turning up nothing.

I just found some information through the local library. It is not on the specific Gasometer (circa 1855) but it is of another one. Apparently there were only 3 in the state. And we have two of them.

Today was a busy day even though I was home as a vacation day. I started the morning with two cool things in my e-mail inbox. The first was that I won a contest through Fuel My Blog. I won $100.00 from Kevin Dixon at Fuel My Blog – The Great Wall of Blogs. The contest was for $200.00 but it came down to a tie. Hey that is fine with me I am $93.80 richer. Huh? Yes, $93.80 because the transaction was through PayPal and PayPal took their cut. I’m not sure of the particulars of why they took a cut, but I think it was because of the type of transaction. I just recently learned that I do not have to stick to the $500.00 a month limit because the PayPerPost transactions don’t count towards that limit. So you may have seen a spike in blog posts from PayPerPost today as well as more content that I’ve written.

The Second cool this was that I was interviewed by BlogInterview.com and that was really fun to see. You should take a read of that site. There are some very good interviews up. Kumiko came up with a great concept. It is a “I wish I thought of that” concept.

I learned some cool stuff today. I learned more about the upcoming Transformer’s Game and I saw an interview with Michael Bay too.

Well I should get to my bills and that stuff, I have a pile of things that need to be filed before Allison gets home because we are going to see Jim Gaffigan tonight at PPAC.

Oh and one last thing I got 2 tickets to Jimmy Buffett this September 8, 2007 at Gillette Stadium. My friend Peter called me today to let me know that his friend Jim had 10 tickets and if I wanted any. Sure thing I wanted some! I got two, one for Allison and one for me. So now I have to start planing some tailgating. Do you think I could build this by September?

Fuel My Blog

I want to tell you all about fuelmyblog. This is a site where bloggers can submit their sites to The Great Wall. The Great Wall is a page of 625 blogs in a 25 X 25 grid (it is 625 I did the math, with a calculator, just to be sure). But fuelmyblog has three other grids ones for More, Business, and Life. That brings the total to 2500 possible spots for blogs. The good thing about this is that you can only have 1 square on the wall for each of your blogs. I hate it when there is no limit like that and the first people in the know get all the spots. And the spaces are not all taken either. I can’t believe that. You can still get a spot on the main page. Go to fuelmyblog now and sign up.

I am listed with fuelmyblog for both this blog and Flatwater Bookstore, my entertainment and general consumer blog. I have the two spots in the bottom right hand corner of the main page. The Tiki Drew picture is linked here and the Viking Drew South Park picture is linked to Flatwater. I have gotten many hits from fuelmyblog and I know this because they have a cool feature where you can view clicks from fuelmyblog to your blog. That is a handy feature to have.

Kevin runs the site and he has been working very hard on promoting the heck out of it. There is going to be a weekly radio show and guess what I am going to be featured on the show. Yes, me, can you believe it? On January 12, 2007 I was contacted by Kevin because Then BenSpark was featured as the Blog of the Day. It just so happens that Kevin’s wife read The BenSpark and liked the Photo-A-Day stuff and she chose The BenSpark as the Blog of the Day. Well, I sent a few e-mails back and forth with Kevin and we talked about the upcoming radio show and I’m going to be on it. What is really awesome is that Kevin is in London and so I’m going to be on an international radio show. How sweet is that? I can’t even imagine how these things have come to pass. Just setting up a little blog 3 years ago because I needed a creative outlet has done so much for me over the years. I have connected with some fantastic people and I am so excited to connect with many more.

If you want to enhance your exposure on the Internet start by signing up with fuelmyblog today. Spaces are filling up fast but you can still get on the front page.