Tag Archives: gameplay

Unboxing Skylanders Mystical Bad Juju

Mystical Bad Juju
Photo-A-Day #4268

Yesterday I picked up Mystical Bad Juju from GamStop. When I got home this morning I made the video of the unboxing of this character. The reason that I was in GameStop was that I was looking for the Jurassic World LEGO Dimensions Team Pack for a friend. While I was there I noticed that they had Mystical Bad JuJu. They had nothing else because one guy came in and bought everything else Skylanders. I grabbed Mystical Bad JuJu because I think my review options are starting to get a little sparse. This latest wave is not coming to me for review. So tonight when I went to Target I found Regular Bad Juju, Pit Boss, Flare Wolf and Buckshot. These are part of a wave that I am not going to receive. I saw them earlier this week at Toys R Us but at the time I thought I was going to be getting them to review, so I didn’t buy them there. Toys R Us also had Master Chain Reaction. I’ll be on the lookout for him, too. More Skylanders videos are coming. I’ll get some Gameplay together, too.

I also mention a few tips and tricks I’ve learned with this new game. Watch to find out what they are.

Unboxing the Skylanders Imaginators Gryphon Observatory Adventure Pack and more!

Gryphon Park Observatory Skylanders
Photo-A-Day #4253

The family was on the Cape today and I wasn’t too tired so it was time to catch up on all my Skylanders unboxings. I unboxed all of the figures that I have. Some were sent to me for free from Activision and the rest I bought at Target, Best Buy and Toys R Us. I only made one Creation crystal, the Earth one that came with the Gryphon Park Observatory adventure Pack. I am saving the rest for a big video where I make one Imaginator of every element and Battle Class.

I unboxed the characters Aurora, Solar Flare Aurora, Wolfgang, Steel Plated Hood Sickle, Jingle Bell Chompy Mage, Legendary Tri-Tip and Legendary Pit Boss. I also unboxed the Gryphon Park Observatory and played through that adventure pack level. I wasn’t going to add gameplay to the video but I woke up early enough that I could make a longer video with gameplay. So, when I recorded the parts of me talking I didn’t realize that I’d be up early enough to work on it. I’m glad I did. I like how it turned out, you can see it below.

Don’t forget that I am giving away a 3D Printed Skylanders Imaginator. Check out my Skylanders Contest post to learn more.